What is your next mission?


GIY: Grow It Yourself is an online gaming space designed to stimulate and reward food-producing gardens and the community that cultivates them.  Gardeners document their tips and tricks and post entires online via mobile devices, Twitter and social networking tools.  The online game space presents gardeners in Maine’s growing climate the opportunity to document the progression of their gardens; seed to full flower. Participation not only inspires a competitive state of mind to produce the best crop possible, but would also provide a learning space for users to exchange wisdom, secrets, and tips.  Users will gain knowledge from their interactions within the game, learning from others hot to grow hearty plants, revitalize and nourish the environments where they grow, and to foster community between those whose interests are earthly.




  • Post tips.
  • Post photos and video of your garden and missions.
  • Comment on posts of others and rate their submissions.
  • Acquire points to gain your reputation.
  • Share your knowledge and learn from others!